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5 Things to Know Before Buying Battery Storage System

Author: Ingrid

Mar. 07, 2024


Battery energy storage systems are a cornerstone of energy transition strategies. Before you can transition from fossil-based systems to renewables, you need a step-by-step plan to implement a battery energy storage system (BESS). Review the top five considerations as you prepare for your energy transition and see how Global Power Supply can help power your transition.

1. Outline Project Scope

For most systems, the electrical demand requires a battery energy storage solution. This system allows green energy solutions, including wind and solar power, to replace fossil fuel-dependent alternatives. The first step in implementing a BESS is to carefully outline the scope of the project.

Project Goals

Is your goal net-zero carbon emissions, or are you looking to decrease your emissions by a set percentage? Will your energy storage system store only energy produced by renewables, or are you planning a gradual energy transition? You’ll need to identify your specific, actionable project goals before you can implement an energy storage system.

Renewable Integration

Solar, wind, and other renewables provide variable energy. A properly sized and designed storage system takes this variability into account, ensuring there’s always adequate power available. Your BESS system needs to factor in the energy source or sources. For example, a system relying solely on solar panels has installation factors that are distinct from a system that combines wind and solar energy sources.

Feasibility Report

Your available budget and required timeline for energy storage solutions are major factors in your project outline. Whether you conduct a feasibility report yourself or schedule an application study by a team of power equipment engineers, this will help you identify any obstacles before you implement an energy storage solution.

2. Explore Battery Options

The specific type of batteries you select for your energy storage system affects the cost, efficiency, and size requirements. Review the following battery factors and compare them with the scope of your project:

  • Battery type: The most common battery options that use chemical processes to store energy are lithium-ion or sodium-ion batteries. While there are many battery options available, lithium iron phosphate battery solutions offer a long lifetime and high charge efficiency.
  • Voltage: Be sure to verify the voltage of your chosen batteries.
  • Power supply: BESS unit batteries can store energy from renewable energy sources or be recharged using fossil-based sources, like the Hipower 30 kW Hybrid.

3. Estimate the Size of the Battery Energy Storage System

Your BESS needs to provide enough power for your energy needs. Failure to create a system with adequate power rating can disrupt the flow of continuous power. The power rating of an energy storage system describes the energy capable of flowing in or out of the system. This rating is typically measured in kilowatts, though larger projects are measured in megawatts. Here are the steps to estimate your energy usage:

  1. Verify the wattage of all potential loads
  2. Estimate average run time
  3. Calculate power requirement, typically in kilowatt-hours per day

These calculations can assist you in sizing your battery energy storage system. If you’re using a hybrid system that sources power from renewables and fuel sources, our power generation calculators can assist you in determining fuel consumption to complement your battery system. 

4. Review BESS Site Requirements

Battery energy storage systems can be mobile units or fixed operations. Both require specific site features to ensure safe, efficient operation. These are just a few factors that you need to review to ensure your site is prepared for BESS installation:

  • Fire code requirements
  • Erosion control specifications
  • Security fencing needs
  • Electrical infrastructure integration
  • Right-of-way for the Department of Transportation
  • Foundation and other structural elements

If your organization doesn’t have the capability to perform a full site review, consider working with an experienced team of engineers. At Global Power Supply, we offer specific actionable recommendations based on an inspection of your BESS site, in addition to other power equipment services.

5. Perform Safety Training, Testing, and Documentation Process

A battery energy storage system needs to meet regulatory compliance to provide a safe, effective step in your energy transition strategy. Once your system is installed, your organization must continue to monitor safety standards, perform routine maintenance and testing, and document its operation to promote a safe energy storage solution. These ongoing steps not only maintain operational safety but also promote regulatory compliance.

Power engineers from Global Power Supply offer training and support services to assist you in preparing your employees for this transition to green energy. From maintenance schedules to proper safety routines, our team can work alongside you to prepare for efficient and compliant operations from day one.

Connect with Global Power Supply

Discover how to promote green energy use through renewables with a battery energy storage system. Contact us at Global Power Supply to learn more about how a BESS can assist you in your energy transition. Learn about our site-walk, load profile, and other services to see how our team of power engineers can help you take the next step toward net-zero or your own clean energy goals.

29 Feb 2024

7 mins to read

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In recent years, battery storage has emerged as an efficient and sustainable solution for storing and utilizing energy. As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, many businesses and homeowners are considering investing in battery storage to reduce their reliance on traditional power sources.

Assessing Your Needs: What to Consider Before Investing in Battery Storage

However, before making this significant investment, it is crucial to assess your needs and consider several key factors. In this article, we will explore what you should take into account before deciding if battery storage is right for you.

The Benefits of Battery Storage

Battery storage comes with a plethora of benefits that make it an attractive option for individuals and businesses alike:

  • Energy Independence: With battery storage, you can store excess energy generated from renewable sources, such as solar panels, and use it later when needed. This allows you to reduce dependence on the grid and lower your energy bills.
  • Backup Power: In case of a power outage, battery storage systems can provide you with a reliable backup power source, ensuring that you have electricity when you need it the most.
  • Load Shifting: Battery storage allows you to shift your energy usage to off-peak hours when the cost of electricity is lower. This enables you to take advantage of time-of-use pricing and save money on your energy bills.
  • Grid Support: By investing in battery storage, you can contribute to the stability of the electrical grid. Battery systems can help balance energy supply and demand, especially during times of high usage or fluctuations in renewable energy generation.

Factors to Consider Before Investing in Battery Storage

Before taking the plunge and purchasing a battery storage system, it is essential to evaluate the following factors:

Energy Consumption and Usage Patterns

Begin by analyzing your current energy consumption and usage patterns. Consider your peak energy usage hours, as well as any seasonal variations. This data will help determine the capacity and size of the battery storage system you require.

Purpose and Goals

Identify your specific goals and purpose for investing in battery storage. Are you primarily looking to reduce your energy bills, achieve energy independence, or ensure reliable backup power? Outline your objectives to guide your decision-making process.

Budget and Return on Investment

Consider your budget for the battery storage investment and weigh it against the potential return on investment. While battery storage can provide long-term savings, it is essential to understand the financial implications and ensure it aligns with your budget and financial goals.

Existing Energy Infrastructure

Assess your existing energy infrastructure, including any renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines. Determine if your current setup is compatible with battery storage systems or if any modifications or upgrades are necessary.

System Size and Scalability

Evaluate the size and scalability requirements for your battery storage system. Consider the energy needs of your household or business and ensure that the system can be expanded or modified in the future if your requirements change.

Warranty and Maintenance

Investigate the warranty and maintenance options provided by different battery storage manufacturers. Ensure that the system you choose offers a sufficient warranty period and that ongoing maintenance requirements are manageable for you.

Key Takeaways

  • Assess your energy consumption and usage patterns before investing in battery storage.
  • Define your goals and purpose for investing in battery storage.
  • Consider your budget and potential return on investment.
  • Evaluate the compatibility of your existing energy infrastructure with battery storage systems.
  • Ensure scalability and flexibility of the system to meet future requirements.
  • Research warranty and maintenance options offered by manufacturers.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about whether battery storage is the right choice for your energy needs. Battery storage offers numerous benefits, including energy independence, backup power, load shifting, and grid support. However, it is crucial to evaluate your energy consumption and usage patterns, define your goals, consider your budget, assess your existing infrastructure, and investigate maintenance options.

Investing in battery storage can be a significant step towards a sustainable and efficient energy future. With a comprehensive understanding of your needs, you can embark on this journey with confidence.

Choosing the Right Residential Battery Storage: Key Factors to Consider

In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing a residential battery storage system and how it can benefit your home.


One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a battery storage system is its capacity. The capacity of a battery determines how much energy it can store, and thus, how long it can power your home during an outage. Assess the energy requirements of your household and choose a battery with the appropriate capacity to meet your needs.

Power Output

Another crucial factor to consider is the power output of the battery storage system. Power output refers to how much energy the battery can deliver at a given time. A higher power output ensures that your home can run multiple appliances simultaneously during a power outage. Therefore, it is essential to select a battery storage system with a power output that matches the demand of your household.

Battery Chemistry

The battery chemistry plays a significant role in determining its efficiency, lifespan, and overall performance. Different battery chemistries have varying attributes, such as energy density, charge cycle life, depth of discharge, and safety. Some commonly used battery chemistries for residential storage systems include lithium-ion, lead-acid, and saltwater batteries. Consider the pros and cons of each chemistry and choose the one that best suits your requirements.

Warranty and Lifespan

The warranty and lifespan of a battery storage system are crucial factors to consider, as they determine the durability and long-term value of your investment. Review the warranty terms, including the guaranteed capacity retention and the length of coverage. Additionally, consider the expected lifespan of the battery system before requiring a replacement.

Integration with Solar Power

For homeowners with solar power installations, the compatibility and integration of the battery storage system with the solar panels are essential considerations. A well-integrated system can maximize energy usage, allowing excess solar energy to be stored in the batteries for later use. Ensure that the battery storage system is compatible with your existing solar power setup or assess the feasibility of installing both components together.

Cost and Return on Investment

The cost of a residential battery storage system varies depending on its capacity, power output, and battery chemistry. Consider the initial investment along with the potential long-term savings in energy costs and electricity bill reductions. Evaluate the return on investment to determine if the system will pay for itself over time.

Safety Features

When selecting a battery storage system, it is crucial to prioritize safety features. Look for systems with built-in protection mechanisms such as overcharge and over-discharge prevention, temperature regulation, short circuit protection, and fire safety features. Ensure that the system complies with industry safety standards to minimize any potential risks.

Key Takeaways

  • Consider the capacity and power output of the battery storage system to meet your household's energy requirements.
  • Evaluate different battery chemistries and choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Review the warranty terms and expected lifespan of the battery system.
  • Ensure compatibility and integration with your existing solar power setup, if applicable.
  • Assess the cost, return on investment, and potential savings in energy costs.
  • Prioritize safety features and ensure compliance with industry standards.


When it comes to residential battery storage, choosing the right system is essential to optimize your energy usage and ensure a reliable power supply. Consider factors such as capacity, power output, battery chemistry, warranty, integration with solar power, cost, and safety features. By carefully evaluating these key factors, you can make an informed decision that will benefit your home for years to come.

Planning for the Future: Essential Factors for Investing in Battery Storage

Whether you are an individual looking to invest in a sustainable future or a business owner seeking to optimize energy usage, understanding the essential factors for investing in battery storage is crucial. In this article, we delve into the key considerations that can help you make informed decisions when planning for the future.

Cost Efficiency

One of the primary factors to consider when investing in battery storage is cost efficiency. While the initial investment may seem substantial, the long-term savings and benefits should not be overlooked. Over time, battery storage systems help reduce electricity bills by minimizing reliance on the grid during peak periods when energy prices are typically higher. Moreover, battery technology continues to advance, leading to cost reductions and increased efficiency.

  • Long-term savings on electricity bills
  • Potential for reducing reliance on the grid
  • Advancements in battery technology leading to cost reductions

Integration with Renewable Energy Sources

Battery storage systems work seamlessly with renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines. They allow excess energy produced during peak generation periods to be stored and used during times when renewable energy output is low. This integration helps reduce dependency on fossil fuels and maximizes the utilization of clean energy sources.

  • Optimal utilization of renewable energy
  • Reduction in reliance on fossil fuels
  • Increased overall efficiency of renewable energy systems

Reliability and Resilience

Battery storage offers a reliable and resilient energy solution by acting as a backup during power outages. In areas prone to natural disasters or grid failures, battery systems ensure a continuous power supply, providing peace of mind and safeguarding critical operations. Additionally, battery storage minimizes the risk of voltage fluctuations and power surges, increasing the lifespan of electrical appliances and reducing potential damage.

  • Increased reliability during power outages
  • Protection against grid failures and natural disasters
  • Minimization of voltage fluctuations and power surges

Environmental Impact

Investing in battery storage contributes to a greener, more sustainable future. By storing excess renewable energy and reducing dependency on the grid, battery storage systems help curb greenhouse gas emissions. This fosters a cleaner environment and supports the transition to a low-carbon economy, in line with global climate goals.

  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Support for a low-carbon economy
  • Contribution to a cleaner and more sustainable future

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and flexibility are crucial factors to consider when investing in battery storage. The ability to scale up the system as energy demands increase ensures long-term viability and adaptability. Battery storage systems also offer flexibility in terms of installation options, allowing customization based on available space and specific energy needs.

  • Ability to scale up the system as energy demands increase
  • Customization based on available space and specific energy needs
  • Future-proof investment


Investing in battery storage provides several advantages, such as cost efficiency, integration with renewable energy sources, reliability, environmental benefits, scalability, and flexibility. By considering these essential factors, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions, ensuring a sustainable and resilient energy future. Battery storage technology is constantly evolving, offering even more benefits in terms of cost-effectiveness and performance. Embracing this technological advancement is a crucial step towards a greener, more efficient, and future-proof energy landscape.

Making an Informed Decision: Factors to Evaluate for Residential Battery Storage

However, before deciding to invest in residential battery storage, it is crucial to evaluate various factors that can greatly affect its performance and overall benefits. In this article, we will explore key considerations that will assist you in making an informed decision regarding residential battery storage.

The Capacity and Power Rating

One of the primary factors to evaluate when choosing a residential battery storage system is its capacity and power rating. The capacity refers to the amount of energy the battery can store, while the power rating indicates how much energy can be delivered at a given moment. These factors are essential to ensure that the battery can meet your household's energy demands during critical times, such as power outages.

Takeaway: Assess the capacity and power rating of the battery to ensure it aligns with your household's energy needs.

Battery Chemistry

Residential battery storage is available in various chemistries, including lithium-ion, lead-acid, and flow batteries. Each chemistry has its advantages and disadvantages, such as energy density, lifespan, and cost. Lithium-ion batteries, for example, offer high energy density and longer lifespans compared to lead-acid batteries. Consider the pros and cons of different chemistries to find the one that suits your requirements.

Takeaway: Understand the characteristics of each battery chemistry to make an informed decision.

Integration with Solar Panels

If you already have solar panels installed, it is crucial to choose a battery storage system that seamlessly integrates with your existing setup. Compatibility between solar panels and battery storage ensures optimal energy utilization and efficient conversion from solar to stored electricity.

Takeaway: Look for battery storage systems that offer compatibility with your current solar panel setup.

Warranty and Lifespan

When investing in residential battery storage, it is important to consider the warranty and expected lifespan of the system. Warranties provide you with assurance against any defects or malfunctions, while the lifespan determines the longevity and value of your investment.

Takeaway: Opt for battery storage systems with reliable warranties and long lifespans for a worthwhile investment.

Monitoring and Control

Monitoring and control capabilities play a significant role in optimizing the performance of residential battery storage. Look for systems that provide intuitive interfaces or mobile apps, allowing you to monitor energy consumption, and battery status, and make adjustments accordingly. Some advanced systems even enable you to participate in demand response programs, maximizing your energy savings.

Takeaway: Choose battery storage systems that offer comprehensive monitoring and control features to maximize benefits.

Financial Considerations

Finally, assess the financial aspects of residential battery storage, including installation costs, potential savings on electricity bills, and available incentives. Evaluate the return on investment by considering the payback period and long-term savings. Additionally, research any local or national incentives that may reduce the upfront costs or provide tax credits for installing battery storage.

Takeaway: Take into account the financial implications and potential savings associated with residential battery storage.


Selecting the right residential battery storage system requires careful evaluation of factors such as capacity, power rating, battery chemistry, integration with solar panels, warranty and lifespan, monitoring and control capabilities, and financial considerations. By considering these key aspects, you can make an informed decision and enjoy the benefits of reliable and sustainable energy backup for your home.

Maximizing Your Investment: Key Considerations for Residential Battery Storage

However, before leaping, it's important to consider certain key factors to ensure you're getting the most out of your investment.

Capacity and Power Output

One of the primary considerations when selecting a residential battery storage system is its capacity and power output. Understanding your energy consumption patterns and requirements will help you determine the right capacity for your household. A larger capacity will allow you to store more excess energy, providing greater independence from the grid and enabling you to use stored energy during times of high demand or power outages. Additionally, considering the power output of the battery will ensure it can meet your household's energy demands.

Efficiency and Performance

Another crucial factor to consider is the efficiency and performance of the battery storage system. Look for batteries with a high round-trip efficiency, which indicates how effectively the battery can store and release energy. It's also important to check the battery's lifespan and degradation rate over time. A longer lifespan and slower degradation rate will ensure that your investment lasts for years without a significant drop in performance.

Safety and Warranty

When investing in residential battery storage, safety should be a top priority. Look for batteries that have undergone rigorous testing and meet the required industry safety standards. Consider the warranty provided with the battery system to ensure protection against any malfunctions or defects. A longer warranty period indicates the manufacturer's confidence in the product's quality and durability.

Integration with Existing Systems

For homeowners who already have renewable energy systems installed, it is crucial to ensure the compatibility and seamless integration of the battery storage system. Confirm that the battery is compatible with your existing solar panels or wind turbines, and inquire about any additional equipment or modifications required for integration.

Cost and Return on Investment

While residential battery storage can provide numerous benefits, it's essential to carefully evaluate the costs and potential return on investment. Consider the initial installation cost, any additional equipment or maintenance requirements, and the potential savings on your electricity bills over time. Depending on your location, you may be eligible for government incentives or rebates that can further enhance the financial viability of your investment.

Key Takeaways

  • Consider capacity and power output requirements to meet your household's energy demands.
  • Look for high efficiency and performance to ensure optimal energy storage and release.
  • Prioritize safety features and a comprehensive warranty package.
  • Ensure seamless integration with your existing renewable energy systems.
  • Evaluate the costs and potential return on investment for long-term financial benefits.


Residential battery storage offers homeowners the opportunity to maximize their investment in renewable energy systems. By considering factors such as capacity, efficiency, safety, integration, and cost, you can make an informed decision and ensure that the battery storage system aligns with your specific needs. Remember, investing in residential battery storage isn't just about saving money or reducing your carbon footprint; it's about securing a brighter and more sustainable future for your household.

5 Things to Know Before Buying Battery Storage System

Top Factors to Consider before Investing in Residential Battery Storage





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